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Electronic Kit
Main Electronic Kit Manufacturers:
- Ramsey Kits, USA. Good USA kit supplier.
- Cana-Kits, BC, Canada. Good supplier but small range.
- Rainbow Kits, USA.
- Partnership gone bad. Paul Hollings. Bugs.
-, UK The more 'original' Veronica. Stephen Moss. Bugs.
- pcs-electronics. Bugs
- Velleman Kits, Belgium.  . Moving away from Kits now.
- Suma Designs, UK. Bugs.
- North Country Radio, USA.
- dckits. Quality of PCBs and documentation poor. But some good kit ideas.
Smaller Kit Manufacturers:
- Magenta, UK.
- Home Automated Control Systems
- Oatley Electronics, Sydney, Australia. Moving away from kits now.
- Grantronics, Australia
- Rola Australia
- Kits using USB and PC user interface software.
- David Jones, Sydney Now out of designing kits unfortunately.
- Scott Edwards Electronics. LCD Kits. Serial in, graphics out
- GibsonTechEd, USA.
- Industrial Fiber Optics. Fiber Optic Kits
- Silvertone, Australia. Radio controlled devices.
- ~jtaylor kits. Available for downloading free.
- Marchand Electronics. High quality audio.
- Lucid Technologies
- Bob Parker, Australia
- AM & Shortwave Valve Radio Kits
- Tree of Knowledge, Israel.
- Apogee Kits
- Applied Micronics, australia. About 10 projects.
- Ian Purdie's Kits and Tutorials. RF.
Electronic Magazines
- Silicon Chip, Australia.
- Nuts & Volts.
- Circuit Cellar. For the advanced hobbyist this is an excellent, must-get magazine.
- Everyday Practical Electronics, UK. EPE Online. E-zine for subscription & downloading from the web.
- Electronics Links by EPE. A must visit site. Actively maintained by Alan Winstanley.
- Elektor, UK
Beginners/advanced - science, electronics & computer information
Comprehensive & excellent sites. Many links to a VERY wide range of topics.- RF Design Notes.
- Electrical Engineering Introduction.
- Solar Energy
- computer topics books, cd-rom, video training.
- Over 50,000 links in 120 specialties in science & engineering.
- The Laser, Optics And Holography Webring Sites
- Laser Explanation.
- Tons of free electronic hobby circuits, tutorials, discussion forums.
- The Art of Electronics Simulated, completed lab experiments from The Art of Electronics, with friendly discussion. Works with Multisim.
- Tutorials in electronics, electrochemistry & physics as well as Reference tables.
There are a huge number of technical papers available by searching Adobe pdf files online. Try
- Electronics Hobbyist. Beginners Electronics.
- E3 E6 E12... resistor codes explained.
- Capacitors. Lots of information.
- GPS Introduction & Links. Global Positioning System
- More GPS Information. Search on GPS
- More on GPS
- More on GPS
- and more.... and more .....
- Electronics for beginners. ~jadams. Author of Internet Guide to the Electronics Industry.
- Flash memory and how it works.
- Iguana Labs Beginners Tutorials.
- School & Amateur Science. Hundreds of science-related links. Excellent site
- Intel Museum. Elementary introduction to many electronics topics.
- The Science Club. Many science projects & links. Excellent site
- Interfacing the PC including LCDs. A must visit site. ALOT of information.
- Linear Circuit Analysis for RF & Audio.
- UK. Introduction to designing electronic circuits.
Small Kit FM Transmitter Theory
- Harry Lythall Practical details about building FM Tx's
- Most FM Transmitter makers listed. Alot technical information about transmitters - simple to advanced. Lots of links.
- For an excellent introduction to the electronic theory of 'simple' 2 stage transmitters see FM transmitter theory. 1MB
- FM Transmitters for the professional
- Very basic Theory.
- pdf file on tank circuits
- USA laws about low power FM transmissions - lots...
- A note on USA FCC and 'bugs'.
There is a huge amount of techncal information to be found in the following University & Individually-run Sites.
- Tomi Engdahl site A must visit site.
- Serial communications in Win32. MTTTY.EXE
- Reynolds Electronics
- Plug pinouts
- Handbook of Optical Communication thru Air
- General notes IR communication in air
- Simple flash Intro to RS232
- RS232 Data Interface. Technical details
- Alan Winstanley. Alan has a large A-Z listing of electronics links.
- Alex's Electronic Resource Library Huge Library, Links & Glossary on electronics & related. A must-visit site.
- World of Electronics. LED LCD info data sheet search
- Don Lancaster Excellent site. Has good pseudoscience references.
- Tons of stuff on programming. Site redone 4/99
- Angelfire. C programming
- C programming
- University of Alberta Electronic Cookbook Archive
- Sunsite.
- Electronic tutorials to download.
- Ocean Control, designer of my Kit 118.
- How the 555 IC works
Excellent Introduction to Electronics Site. See the 555 astable animation.
- 555 - frequency and duty cycle calculator
- Jughead Specializing in modem, wireless, computer & electronics.
- C programming FAQs
- Modem, LAN, X25, datacomm, ISDN, TCP/IP tutorial links. Good site
- National Physical Laboratory, UK.
- Dr Bob Dr Bob's Resource just starting up\
PIC Programmers
Traps for the unwary: does it come with an assembler and programming software? If not, where do you get them. Is there technical support? Does it have on-board firmware which will need upgrading (at a price) when new devices are released? Are a PCB and components provided or do you have to make your own? (What use is free software if you have to make and produce your own PCB?) Remember the more 'free' it is, the less support you will certainly get.
- Don McKenzie. Hardware and software. Very well supported. For beginners and advanced users.
- picflash PIC programmers.
- Free C compiler for the 16x84. april 2000
- Free C compiler. To 1K. Handles 14 & 16 bit PICs too.
- Incircuit emulators & programmers.
- Pekka Titamaki Has non-firmware David Tait 16C5x programmer corrected.
- Tutorial on PIC16C84 programming. Jim Brown.
- Starting with PIC's tutorial
- Bob Blicks 16F84 programmer
- Free software for Tait programmers.
- Design for a PIC programmer.
- Jens Madsen 16C84 programmers. Free, minimum components. But no support now. (You get what you pay for.)
PIC Compilers - free, sort of
- Lars Silens language
- C2C & P2C Low cost C and Pascal compilers.
- Wouters 'just another language'
- Copy Protection in Modern Microcontrollers. Interesting.
- $59 C compiler for SX & PIC. A review for PIC has been done by Peter Anderson.
Microchip and more PIC sites
- Microchip Web Site PIC chip manufacturer. There are some excellent & well kept sites dealing with PIC's:
- Microchip Net Resources. Excellent, up-to-date, very comprehensive reference site.
- Program PICs in BASIC.
- David Tait. The person who originally designed the 'Tait' style of PIC programmer in 1994. See /files/uppboard.pdf for 16C5x non-firmware programmer.
- Fast Forward Engineering
- Wouter van Ooijen. Wisp in-circuit programmer.
- The Hardware Book
- IR Communication using PICs
- Solid maths and theory using PICs. Scott Dattalo.
- PIC interfacing, technical use and much more.
- pic tutorial. dale.
Excellent PIC Programming Tutorial
- ftp site for PIC software published by Everyday Practical Electronics
- Home of Easy PIC'n books.
- Andrew Kunz
- Home of Myke Predko's PIC books.
To subscribe to the piclist discussion group send an email message to '' with 'SUB piclist' in the body of the message. (After you have subscribed you can get a daily digest of the piclist by sending the command 'SET PICList DIGest' to the same address. A daily digest is far better than tens of individual messages coming throughout the day.) New members are well advised to lurk for a while before making contributions. The List management is rather Conservative and thin-skinned (they are lab technicians rather than academics.) Jokes with a sexual innuendo or on the almost complete lack of any females on the List are guaranteed to get you summarily thrown-off. Stick to PIC topics without any caustic one-liners and you will be safe. Note that these general comments apply to other technical Lists as well, not just the piclist.
There is a mine of PIC information at the piclist website. Personally, I find it a confusing site to navigate. There seem to be two entry points. Try the following: FAQ pdf format Alternative James Newton piclist site.
Atmel, Scenix, 80xx, 68HCxx
- Atmel.
- Bascom compilers
- AVR Links and information. fleury
- AVR Programmer
- AVR Webring Sites
- Atmel. Stelios Cellar. Atmel website. many AVR links.
- Claus Kuhnel There is an Atmel discussion group which you can join by logging onto
- eGroups/list/avr
- Scenix Net Resources. Over 100 links, programmers, tools.
- Jan Axelson - the US magazine columnist who has written a book on the 80xx family and The Parallel Port Complete.
- Roger's Embedded Microcontroller Page. 68HC05/11 Plus alot of other info.
- Embedded Micro Software
PC Upgrading, Tweaking and PC Information, Software
- System Optimisation web site.
- Download entire website.
- Enhanced xcopy. xxcopy
- James Newton. Personal Computers. Links
- Tom's Hardware Guide.
- Build your own PC.
- Windows Icon Extractor/viewer
- PC Mechanic.
- CAN Controller Area Network
- fat16 information
- fat32 information
- Microsoft on fat, long filenames etc.
- Tutorial short & long filenames
Parallel Port Information
- Jan Axelson - the US magazine columnist who has written a book 'The Parallel Port Complete'.
- ualberta. ftp download site
Remote Control Information
- Home Automated Control Systems
- good basic introduction how they work
- epanorama collection of URL's
General Electronic - some are big
- Free DOS-based software useful to RF and amateur radio people.
- General engineering & microcontroller site.
- Index of semiconductor companies. Technical & marketing info.
- Electronic Engineers Toolbox. Alot of information here.
- Don Roy/Sony Remote Control codes. FirstBOT Robot Home
- Princeton Uni Lectures Notes.
- Electrical Engineering Archives. U Wash.
Stepper Motors
- Lists alot of software for driving steppers
- mbartels
- Good tutorial on stepper motors & how to drive them. But out-of-date. No info on the Allegro stepper driver UCN5804. Links.
Thermoelectric Devices, Peltier Modules, Solar, Pressure Sensors, Electret Microphones
- Melcor, Peltier Module manufacturer. Free design software. Alot of information.
- Marlow, Peltier Module manufacturer. Also alot of information.
- Kryotherm, St. Petersburg, Russia.
- cleanenergy
- photon
- Request the "Solid-State Pressure Sensors Handbook"
- Request the "The Pressure, Strain, and Force Handbook"
Electret Microphone Web Sites
Information & code dealing with the most common LCD controller IC's.
- Interfacing the PC to LCDs, parallel and serial ports. A must visit site.
- ee-compendium. Like our Kit 134
- More LCD Information. pouweha
- LCD Info & Data Sheets